the_AutHor Says:-

My photo
Have you ever wondered, what is our purpose in life. Why are we here on Earth, what will our destiny or fate be? To discover our destiny we must become aware of our true self. Who you are and what you want in life. So, I let people surounding me can judge myself, and hope a good thought from them :-) P/s:-dear readers, any suggestion and comment please do not hesistate to drop by via

@_@ ~nak tgk tv busan2 d opis~ double clicks at white screen..

TV3 Malaysia

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Would you walk on this ?

Glass Bridge will be suspended 4,000 feet above the Colorado River on the very edge of the Grand Canyon .

On May 2005, the final test was conducted and the structure passed engineering requirements by 400 percent, enabling it to withstand the weight of 71 fully loaded Boeing 747 airplanes (more that 71 million pounds).

The bridge will be able to sustain winds in excess of 100 miles per hour from 8 different directions, as well as an 8.0 magnitude earthquake within 50 miles.

More than one million pounds of steel will go into the construction of the Grand Canyon SkyWalk.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

MPV baru Proton "Exora"

Proton Holdings Bhd. (Proton) mengumumkan pemilihan nama Exora untuk kenderaan pelbagai gunanya (MPV) yang akan dilancarkan tidak lama lagi.

Jangan nyanyi lagu ini !!!!

Lirik Lagu : Al lah Peduli - Agnes Monica !!!!

Banyak perkara yang tak dapat ku mengerti

Mengapakah harus terjadiDi dalam kehidupan ini

Suatu perkara yangku simpan dalam hati

Tiada satupun kan terjadi tanpa Al lah perduli

Al lah mengertiAl lah peduli

Segala persoalan yg kita hadapi

Tak akan pernah di biarkanya ku bergumul sendiri

Sbab Al lah mengertiAl lah mengertiAl lah peduli

Segala persoalan yg kita hadapi

Tak akan pernah di biarkanya ku bergumul sendiri

Sbab Al lah Yesus kumengerti

Apa komen kamu semua bila membaca lirik lagu Al lah Peduli nyanyian Agnes Monica? Apa yang tidak kena dengan lirik ini? Cuba kamu semua berfikir walaupun ia hanya sekadar lirik lagu sahaja! So sesiapa yang beragama Islam, berhati-hati nya, jangan di sebabkan fanatik dengan artis sehingga terlupa penyampaian artis itu kita leka akan hukum agama Islam. Berhati-hati!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

i am sick..sick..sickk...

hola... helo... hye.. i'm having bad cough, throat pain..huhuhu..this time moment i can't update my friday onwards might have more interesting posts..wait n see babe n dude..

Dear me,

"Get Well Soon :p"