the_AutHor Says:-

My photo
Have you ever wondered, what is our purpose in life. Why are we here on Earth, what will our destiny or fate be? To discover our destiny we must become aware of our true self. Who you are and what you want in life. So, I let people surounding me can judge myself, and hope a good thought from them :-) P/s:-dear readers, any suggestion and comment please do not hesistate to drop by via

@_@ ~nak tgk tv busan2 d opis~ double clicks at white screen..

TV3 Malaysia

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Father makes 8 year old son drive

Police in southwest Florida (it is always Florida) have arrested a man who got his 8-year-old son to drive his van for him. Police in Bradenton arrested 34-year-old Mark A. Belanger just before midnight Sunday on charges of child abuse and permitting an unlicensed driver to drive.

A police report says the boy hit two trees and nearly hit two people in a parking lot.

Belanger told police he'd taken Xanax, used to treat anxiety and panic attacks, and was 'feeling woozy and didn't want to drive.'

He said he thought letting his son drive would be a 'bonding moment.'

The boy told police his father took 'liquid medicine' to feel better, pointing to an empty whiskey bottle in the vehicle.

Belanger remained jailed Wednesday.

Belanger told police he'd taken Xanax, used to treat anxiety and panic attacks, and was 'feeling woozy and didn't want to drive.'

Berat Segelas Air

Berat Segelas Air.

Pada saat memberikan kuliah tentang Management Stress, Stephen Covey
mengangkat segelas air dan bertanya kepada para siswanya:
"Seberapa berat menurut anda kira-kira segelas air ini?"
Para siswa menjawab mulai dari 200 gr sampai 500 gr.
"Ini bukanlah masalah berat mutlaknya, tapi tergantung berapa lama anda
memegangnya," kata Covey.

"Jika saya memegangnya selama 1 minit, tidak ada masalah. Jika saya
memegangnya selama 1 jam, lengan kanan saya akan sakit. Dan jika saya
memegangnya selama 1 hari penuh, mungkin anda harus memanggilkan
ambulans untuk saya. Beratnya sebenarnya sama, tapi semakin lama saya
memegangnya, maka bebannya akan semakin berat."

"Jika kita membawa beban kita terus menerus, lambat laun kita tidak akan
mampu membawanya lagi. Beban itu akan meningkat beratnya," lanjut Covey.

"Apa yang harus kita lakukan adalah meletakkan gelas tersebut, berehat
sejenak sebelum mengangkatnya lagi. Kita harus meninggalkan beban kita
secara berkala, agar kita dapat lebih segar dan mampu membawanya lagi.
Jadi sebelum pulang ke rumah dari pekerjaan petang ini, tinggalkan beban

"Bukan beban berat yang membuat kita Stress, tetapi lamanya kita memikul beban tersebut."

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Congratulations "GenG"

this morning dgr hot fm' guest hot arini drg invite adik fatihah (upin & ipin tuela) and 'geng' team. baru seminggu je geng kt pawagam tp da kutip dlm 2.3 mill. wow byk tue, banggala ngan kartun malaysia skunk nie, chaiyokk2 malaysia. now siri upin n ipin da ade dkt indonesia, turkey, org arab pon ske ngan kartun nih..hmmmmm...kira upin ipin da msk kategori kartun commercial lah. go go team "GenG' congrates again :p

Unfortunate Bodies!

World's Largest Hand (Lui Hua - China)

Lui Hua suffers from a rare condition known as macrodactyly. When he was hospitalized in Shanghai on July 2007, his left thumb measured 10.2 inches and his index finger measured close to 12. On July 20 surgeons undertook a seven-hour operation to reduce the size of Liu's fingers and thumb. Doctors removed 11 pounds of flesh and bone in the procedure. A second surgery is scheduled to take place. Enlarged limbs can be caused by a number of medical conditions. Lymphedema is perhaps the most common cause and results in some extraordinarily enlarged limbs.
Baby with Three Arms (Liu Junjie - China)
This 2-month-old baby named Liu Junjie from Anhui Province, China, was born with a third arm on 2006. Doctors successfully removed the extremely rare and well-developed third arm, but the baby required long-term physical therapy to gain function in his remaining hand, which has no palm and flexes in either direction. 'We're hoping to exchange information with doctors who've dealt with similar cases anywhere in the world,' said Chen, head of the orthopedics department at Shanghai Children's Medical Center. 'This is so rare that we have virtually no information to go on.'
Cyclop Baby (unidentified baby - India)

On 2006, this baby was born with a only one eye in India.. Medical staff who helped deliver the child believe that the child's condition was caused by an experimental anti-cancer drug. Another cause written in the report by the hospital was that it could also be the result of a chromosomal disorder. The child was diagnosed with a rare chromosomal disorder, known as cyclopia. She was born with a single eye in the center of her forehead, no nose and her brain fused into a single hemisphere. With such severe deformities, it was a miracle that the girl survived even a few minutes after delivery. The baby died days later.

Feet facing backwards (Wang Fang - China)

Wang Fang, 27, of Chongqing city in China, was born with her feet facing the wrong way. She has learned to live with her condition without problems and recently refused a disability pension by being classified as disabled.. 'I can run faster than most of my friends and have a regular job as a waitress in the family restaurant. There is no reason to class me as disabled.'

bestie cousin :-)

friday hepi today, nina tq3 so much for tought me a lot. bestla wt blog nie suke2 je nk ckp ape..but today a bit bz byk bnda nk update.i guess diz weekend da bole update byk bnda. Interesting story n tmbh gadget2 yg best2 cket so xdela org busan nk bace aite..arini nk kena hadap bank statement nk wt recociliation for 2 mths..da bejuling mata tgk bnda2 nie..By bloggin nie bole jgk nk release tension..huhuhu..if x ari2 hadap keje n nk focus byk bnda nk achieve since economic drop..lalalala ~_^

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hot mummy 'aZizah maHzan'

hmmmm.. no idea what to say >>>.. terpanjat jap ..

VERY IMPORTANT FACTS from your Financial Advisor!!

Dan was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business.When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a wife with which to share his fortune.

One evening at an investment meeting he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.Her natural beauty took his breath away. "I may look like just an ordinary man," he said to her, but in just a few years, my father will die, and I'll inherit $200 million.

"Impressed, the woman obtained his business card and three days later, she became his stepmother.

Women are so much better at financial planning than men ;p

Jika Wanita diumpamakan Ikan, kategori ikan apakah yang jadi favorite anda?

IKAN ARWANAKalo yang ini kalau di aquarium memperlihatkan kesombongan dan keangkuhan kerana tau tubuhnya indah, langkahnya lemah gemalai dan memancing mata.. nakal melihatnya di manapun dia bergaya..... So pasti harganya mahal kalau ingin memilikinya.... INI PERAGAWATI, CELEBRITY or keatas........

IKAN SALMONBentuknya OK, indah, dagingnya pink muda dan enak dimakan. Tapi sayangnya mahal, soalnya masih boleh diimport. Sesuai… ada nilai, ada kualiti….INI WANITA BERKERJAYA.....

IKAN BANDARAYAJenis ini murah dan selalu menempel di kaca aquarium. Kalo sudah menempel, susah sgt nk lepaskannya.... mcm gam...INI AWEK ALIM, ANAK USTAD nii.......

IKAN MAS KOKIini jenis ikan lumayan mahal, indah bentuknya, warnanya, dan lenggak- lenggoknya. Sayangnya hanya boleh dilihat, dikagumi, tak boleh dimakan, kerana termasuk kategori ikan hiasan..... INI BINI ORANG.......

IKAN KELIKalo yang ini harganya murah, bisa dimakan dimana saja. Banyak dijual di tepi jalan, harus hati-hatiINI AWEK TEPI JALAN........

IKAN BILISBentuk dan rasanya gitu- gituuu... saja. Selalu sedap dimakan kalau tidak ada sayur atau tidak ada lauk yang lain.... INI BINI SENDIRI....

Monday, February 16, 2009

Jason MraZ liVe in MaLays!a

to all jaSon mRaz fans..his coming to malaysia next month on the march 4th 2009..sesape nk serch ticket price visit ;

Semoga Datuk C.T tabah di atas pemergian ayahanda tercinta..

Salam Takziah dan Al-Fatihah kepada Datuk C.T dan keluarga. Allahyarham Tarudin bin Ismail menghembuskan nafas terakhir jam 10.45 pagi pada 15-02-2009/ Ahad. Kepada pembaca muslim mari kita sedekah Al-Fatihah Kepada Allahyarham Tarudin Bin Ismail dan di tempatkan dalam golongan orang yang beriman. Aminnn~


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Appreciate the beloved..

Don't be late..
Let people know that you respect and appreciate them in many ways, if you wait to long you will miss the chance, for what you all wanted to say.

Register now!!

Hello there,

Once you have ur own blog, lets log in advertising agent :
This is how you can generate you income easily via bloggin.

How to overcome...

Many people misinterpret a contrary opinion as someone not understanding them. If you don’t agree with what your partner is saying, it doesn’t mean you think they are wrong or that you don’t understand where they are coming from.

It is important to portray this when you are discussing something. Instead of arguing your point, try something a little more sensitive. Don’t bring up things from the past, and don’t say things you know will upset your partner.

It’s very hard to take back the emotional hurt that can be caused by the words you say. You may not mean what you’re saying, but your partner won’t always know that. Don’t allow yourself to just snap and say whatever comes to mind.

You don’t need time to let things stew. Try to handle any problems right there and then. Offer any suggestions you have about handling the situation, and ask your partner if they have any ideas as well.

Work together as a team to find ways to overcome your obstacles. Everyone needs someone who loves, adores and respects them just as they are.

At the age of 24

I know I have a lot of growing up to do. I want to listen to advice from others. I want to stop in the middle of Mother Nature, and take in the beauty of it all.

I want fulfill the promises I made to those loved ones who have passed. I want to make my family the most important part of my life, for they have always been there.

I want to live life, so that when I die, people rejoice, for mine was a life lived. I want my loved ones to know how sorry I am for the way I was.

I want to slow down, and enjoy every second, because so many do not. I want to see those loved ones at the beginning of life, grow, and make there way.

I want to remember my past, but live in the present, and for the future. I want to make a difference in this world. I want to be here, stand back, and enjoy the ‘The Little Things’ in life.

The true measure of success, is measured by lives you touch, and those who touch yours.